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  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy? 
    1. Too hard. There is also hard gating that feels unintuitive (i can float over the fire to get to the terminal door, but i cannot open it unless i put the fires out). 
  2. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?) 
    1. seemed to deplete pretty fast
  3. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher? Were the fires a good enough distraction to keep you on your toes? 
    1. I could just fly over the fires. It was hard to tell when a fire was really out, the despawn animation seemed to take a long time and not provide immediate feedback that i doused the fire.
  4. What did you think of the pace/length of the game? 
    1. I didnt get past the first terminal room. It was very hard to figure out the codes. Those code puzzles need more positive feedback. Did i get a single number correct? Also, the puzzles for that should build in complexity. Make one puzzle a “gimmie” just so players know they are on the right track.
  5. What did you think of the level design? Was it easy to keep track of the rooms given the constraint on the door charges? 
    1. I could not tell why doors wouldnt open. There needs to be some sort of feedback to the player if a door cannot be opened.
  6. What did you like about the game? 
    1. The movement was cool and the sound was good. The first terminal room seemed like it could be a fun puzzle, but it was pretty difficult. I had no idea if i was on the right path or not. 
  7. What did you dislike about the game? 
    1. It was hard
  8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay? 
    1. Make it easier, especially at the start, ease players into the puzzles. Give the player a couple easy wins at the start. (the fire extinguisher to put out fires is a good one)
  9. What did you think of the overall feel/ambience of the game? Did the sounds and art mesh well? 
    1. I think the sounds and look meshed well. I’d have done more to highlight doors that can be used.

I'll be speaking for myself and my fellow who also playtested.

  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?
    1. Neither of us figured out the puzzles. They're interesting and unique but aren't immediately intuitive for either of us so we died before figuring out what they were.
  2. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)
    1. I think the oxygen meter was fine and balanced. It was reasonable for the meter to be affected more when too close to the fire, etc. It adds a neat touch of panic to what seems like a relatively calmer game.
  3. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher? Were the fires a good enough distraction to keep you on your toes?
    1. Both of us had a general consensus that its hard to control and can waste oxygen being lost because of it being flimsy. It's silly and gave a good laugh, but was more panicking to try letting it go and it wouldn't.
  4. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?
    1. It has a good pace, while the length of the game is fairly short depending on your route.
  5. What did you think of the level design? Was it easy to keep track of the rooms given the constraint on the door charges?
    1. I think the level design is great and memorable, neither of us were getting lost with navigation.
  6. What did you like about the game?
    1. The design, artwork, use of gravity and the inclusivity of these choices that need to be experimented with.
  7. What did you dislike about the game?
    1. When panicking, the fellow would almost always end up doing the upside down spin where the POV is flipped, and it takes a while to fix.
  8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay?
    1. The main improvements would be to fix the POV bug and have a more controlled grip on the fire extinguisher.
  9. What did you think of the overall feel/ambience of the game? Did the sounds and art mesh well? 
    1. The overall feel and ambience of the game is fantastic. This game is certainly unique with its own touch. The sounds and art styles give me a vague connection with Stanley Parable and other games of the sort.
  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?
    1. I thought the puzzles were good! I had to do a lot of thinking for each one that I did that i though fit the point of the game of playing over and over to understand them that I really liked! 
  2. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)
    1. I thought it was pretty balanced and gave enough time to figure out puzzles one by one and then put them together at the end! 
  3. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher? Were the fires a good enough distraction to keep you on your toes?
    1. I liked the fire aspect, it made to remember to always have the fire extinguisher on hand the whole time so i didn't have to go back for it and waste time. 
  4. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?
    1. Pacing was good, I had this sense of rushing as I was doing the puzzles so that I could get them done before that round ended which was fun. I liked the concept of playing over and over within the allotted time to get the game completed in the end and learning the puzzles. 
  5. What did you think of the level design? Was it easy to keep track of the rooms given the constraint on the door charges?
    1. Level design was nice and easy to follow. I could remember where I was heading and where I wanted to go for every playthrough. 
  6. What did you like about the game
    1. Puzzles were my favorite part of the game for sure because I love puzzles in general. 
  7. What did you dislike about the game?
    1. the movement kind of threw me off when i started playing because I didn't realize I had a creative-mode like movement of moving up and down like i was floating, I just didn't expect it and took a bit to get used to.  
  8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay?
    1.  I think there could be some way to gain a battery charge so that you could open more doors, maybe as a result of getting a correct puzzle because there are way more doors than there are battery charges. 
  9. What did you think of the overall feel/ambience of the game? Did the sounds and art mesh well? 
    1. I liked the ambience, it had this sort of Subnautica spaceship feel to it almost like its the prequel to the game. Its very fun and exciting to me :D 

1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?

I didn't quite understand the puzzles, which I don't know if it's user error or because of the difficulty. I think that might be cool to have alternate paths to victory in the game, to cater towards other play styles. I wonder if there's a way to incorporate a "golden path" through use of mechanics other than puzzles, like some form of minigame.

2. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)

I think that the oxygen meter was balanced, but it was a bit frustrating when I was having difficulty with the controls, because it felt like I had just wasted half of it due to not being able to control the extinguisher. The event system works well in your game, by creating random fires every so often, which is a mechanic that fits well with the theme of your game. It might be cool to have like a portable oxygen tank spawn in a room every so often, as a way to restore some oxygen.

3. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher? Were the fires a good enough distraction to keep you on your toes?

The fires were a good distraction, however they did not always feel fair, which was mainly due to the controls. I think if there was a reminder on the UI of what keys were what, this may help out with the fumbling and confusion when I'm trying to grab the oxygen tank. Something else that could possibly help with identification of interactables is to possibly create a highlight around the interactable when the player hovers over it.

4. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?

I think that the game feels a bit short and limited, but I will admit, I was not able to successfully solve all the puzzles. I was able to get to the launch area however relatively quickly, which made the replayability of the game suffer a bit. The length of the puzzle rooms seems fitting, but the tempo of the gameplay feels a bit monotonous, where it seems like every room is of a similar difficulty and time pressure. 

5. What did you think of the level design? Was it easy to keep track of the rooms given the constraint on the door charges?

Yes, it was easy to keep track of the rooms, even with the constraint on the door charges. I think that the level has a lot of potential, and I think that each room itself is designed well, with clues and a puzzle solving station. I think that it might be advantageous to create a prefab of a room that randomly generates different puzzles, so that the game would be a bit more replayable.

6. What did you like about the game?

I think that the idea of being in a spaceship that's hurtling towards the sun is a great concept, and I think it's a good way to put simulated pressure on the player. The stakes of having to save my character from a tragic death in space is a fun theme. I also like that I have to keep an eye out for fires while I'm working on the puzzles, because the multitasking and need for situational awareness bolsters the energy of the game a bit.

7. What did you dislike about the game?

I think the part about the game that I disliked the most was that I didn't get to see outside of the ship at all. I think there is a lot of opportunity to play around with scene design, effects, and artwork, to make it feel and look like the spaceship is flying into danger. The fires simulate it to an extent, but if I'm in space, I reallllllly want to be able to look outside and watch myself hurtle towards the sun. In general, I think the mise en scene could be more more convincing of being in space and in a spaceship.

8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay?

I think that having alternate paths to victory would be helpful, for people who get stuck on puzzles, like myself. I'm wondering if there's another way that a player could get through the doors, such as though something like a minigame. I think it would be beneficial to find ways to establish a replayable core game loop, where puzzles and rooms could be randomly generated (to an extent, even if answers are drawn from a list), so that the game will not necessarily lose its novelty after completing it.

9. What did you think of the overall feel/ambience of the game? Did the sounds and art mesh well? 

I think that the feel of the game is progressing well! You all have made a lot of additions in terms of sound and art, that the game now feels like its own unique work. I thought that the intercom voice was stellar! I think this was a great way to establish the scene, provide the player with instructions, and build the scene. The notes were really cool, and definitely gave a more unique feel to the game. I am still bummed that I didn't get to see outside into space, and I feel that including that would do a ton for establishing the mise en scene, as well as creating additional psychological pressure on the player. 

Great job on your second playtest, I look forward to playing your final release!

  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy? - I think some of the puzzles were a little too hard to figure out without putting too much time into thinking about them/finding the clues.
  2. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?) - I think the O2 meter was a good balance for the game. It felt like a stresser without being too hard.
  3. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher? Were the fires a good enough distraction to keep you on your toes? - The fires were great. They are a great addition to the game and make it more tense.
  4. What did you think of the pace/length of the game? - The pace was good, and the length was alright. There's always a need for larger levels (Sometimes).
  5. What did you think of the level design? Was it easy to keep track of the rooms given the constraint on the door charges? - The level design was good. I think the style of each object fit with the rest of the others.
  6. What did you like about the game? - What I liked about the game was how much more thought I needed to put into traversing the area than most other games. The tense situation made for a nice balance of fun and fear.
  7. What did you dislike about the game? - There wasn't really anything to dislike.
  8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay? - Not much to say here either on what could or couldn't be better.
  9. What did you think of the overall feel/ambience of the game? Did the sounds and art mesh well?  - Like I mentioned above, the themes and art styles of each game fit well together. The sounds of the game made the experience more fitting and interesting.

  1. I thought most of the puzzles were pretty solid not too easy and not too hard.  Though I will admit I was at a loss in terms of the last puzzle for the launch code.
  2. I honestly really liked the oxygen meter.  With the persistent fires and the larger building it didn't feel like you had no time but it was constantly breathing down your neck as you had to balance between puzzles and time.
  3. I liked the fires.  They were a much more present threat since there was more to do and more ground to cover.  The fact that they would reappear was an excellent distraction that helped break up the puzzle solving process.
  4. Honestly I think the length is very comfortable.  It's long enough to require some dedication but not to extensive to be daunting.  It's a good game to speed run.
  5. It felt pretty simple to figure out the layout after an attempt or two.  However some of the doors didn't open or would only open from one side which was frustrating when I was trying to experiment with alternate route setups.
  6. I loved the new puzzles and the fire.  This felt like a great extension of the original concept and I'm really happy with the decision to keep experimenting with all the elements that had been in the previous playtest.  I think it gives the game a stronger sense of identity and makes it rather unique.
  7. Only real complaint is that I wish there was a restart function.  The games exactly long enough that you know if you've botched a run and I wish there was some way to just restart and take another go instead of having to wait for the o2 to run out.
  8. I really like the game as it is designed.  My only issues are some bugs with the doors and the difficulty in restarting a run.  Otherwise I really did find the game very engaging.
  9. It was really neat.  I liked the audio and the posters were fun especially as you go through and the rhythm of your runs begins to take hold.  I appreciated the distinctive art which was easy to find in the minimalist rooms.

1. The puzzles were great! However, the time limit makes it nigh impossible to solve them without taking screenshots and doing them outside of the game.

2. When I had all my codes together and launched the game to put them in, I only had a quarter of the bar left on my way to the pod. It felt good, still having pressure to actually put in the codes fast enough. However, like I mentioned before, it does ultimately force the player to solve the puzzles externally.

3. The fire was alright during the code-entering sequence, but it feels contrived while trying to solve the puzzles themselves. Also, the requirement to drop the extinguisher to use a terminal doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose, as you always drop the extinguisher right there and can immediately grab it once you're done with the terminal. Unless you incorporate a system of multiple items and meaningful things to interact with (which might be too late at this point), I'd recommend removing the drop requirement altogether.

4. It felt good, but most of my time was spent outside of the game itself. See 1 & 2.

5. The layout is fine, although some of the doors connected to the terminal rooms can't ever be opened and yet don't have anything to indicate as such.

6 & 7. The puzzles are nice and clever, though the game is honestly far too short.

8 & 9. Here's some assorted bugs / pain points I noticed, which should be pretty simple to solve:

- The beeping alarm is ALWAYS playing and it gets quite annoying, especially if you try to focus on puzzles. Also, it doesn't cut off when the death screen shows up, and instead lingers for a while.

- The intro audio cue always plays at the start of every run, it gets tedious fast.

- It's not obvious what button is used to exit the code terminals, the first time I got to one I thought I was softlocked and needed to quit.

- The music is quite loud and makes it hard to focus, and isn't helped by how obvious it is when the track loops.

- It says you can only input one code per terminal, but after submitting a code you can still edit it. The submitted code still doesn't change, but the text does, causing a disconnect in information. If terminals are meant to be one-use, then the player should be blocked from interacting with it once they submit, and have it auto-exit the terminal.

- Terminals say the code is valid/invalid based on whether the code was from the right poster, instead of based on it being one of the possible poster codes.

Hey guys this comment is for playtest 2, 

I really enjoyed your game and solving all the puzzles. None of them were too complicated or too simple. I did find that allowing only one valid check extended game play quite  bit. It took me around 40 minutes to solve all the puzzles and figure out your game, and another 30 to run through all the scenarios. Those first 40 minutes were quite enjoyable, I really love what you've done with the game, the art is very fitting, the puzzles slide right in. I think you should keep all the puzzle constructs the same for the final playtest but change the numbers. I think it would be completely insane if you guys completely reworked all of your puzzles for the last playtest.

[Quality of Life improvements]

it would have been nice if there was any way to restart the game without dying or solving everything. A "pause" menu would be a great addition as it would let the player quit or restart. It doesn't actually have to pause the game just allow the player the freedoms. Additionally, actually saving and showing players what endings they've gotten and which they are missing would be really cool.
One thing in particular that bugged me was the controls for interacting with the panel were a bit painful, as I would assume enter submits/check the code instead of exiting the terminal. Allowing more options to exit the terminal like esc/backspace would be helpful. I did like how you guys showed what controls were useable when, but the door controls still showed up even when you couldn't do anything more with the door.


I did find quite a few bugs  during this playtest and did enjoy seeing the bugs that I found in the last playtest to all be fixed. Here is a list talking about all of them in order of most game breaking.

- If you drop the fire extinguisher while holding spray you will be permanently spraying and don't care about the extinguisher any more. 

- Fire doesn't stop crackling after the fire has been extinguised, leading to a short state of confusion.

- Doors in NAVIGATION don't work from nav side at all, even if you input a code in.

- Taking the door from DOCK to POD doesn't show the starter fire till you leave and comeback. You're in the "FIRE!!" state the entire time and drain fast on a fire you can't see or fight.

- Sun code shows invalid but is an actual destination 

- More fires don't increase the speed at which O2 drains. (almost irrelevant)

- You can throw the fire extinguisher into the opened escape pod door losing the ability to fight fires without completing the game :D (completely irrelevant)

Overall, the game worked pretty great. A lot of issues with the doors and fires may be fixed by simply removing the fire/code locks you have on the doors and just let the player go through and use their energy. Really enjoyed your game and I'm excited to see how it looks at the end of the semester.

(1 edit)

What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?

The puzzles for me was too hard usually how I would solve puzzles would be something logical yet I couldn't get the logic of the puzzles. I did see "+" or "-" symbols thinking it would be a mathematical problem but then I thought it would only give me 2 digits rather than 4 digits. I basically couldn't solve the problem.

How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?) 

The oxygen meter is really good but consider what puzzles are solvable and easy to solve for the first terminal then it would have been a consistent decrease of oxygen and gameplay logic to lead the players to solve with an idea in mind because of the first terminal.

How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher? Were the fires a good enough distraction to keep you on your toes? 

The fire was a good distraction I figured out that putting out all the fires first and opening most of the doors would allow me more time to solve the puzzle.

What did you think of the pace/length of the game? 

The pace was pretty solid since figuring out a tactic before solving the puzzle would allow more time to solve it.

What did you think of the level design? Was it easy to keep track of the rooms given the constraint on the door charges? 

The level design was really good since it wasn't too open nor too close to access. I could move how ever I want to.

What did you like about the game? 

I like the immersion you guys put into the game! The sound about the fire makes it so immersive making me want to play it more.

What did you dislike about the game? Non at all. Liked it so much that I thought the gameplay was smooth.

What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay? Make the puzzle at least logical and solvable like in a mathematicians perspective's logic like 1+1 =2 or some sort.

What did you think of the overall feel/ambience of the game? Did the sounds and art mesh well? 

The art and the mesh fit so well I thought that the lights was impressive when it turned red and knew right away where the fire was close enough to where I could find it.  Also the sound of instructions was so good to the player since it gave me a really good immersive experience.

  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?

You know I thought it was going to be too easy but it took me a few tries to figure out and the multiple endings and hints were really cool. Good job

  1. What types of puzzles would you like to see added? (More interaction/exploration?)

I think yeah add more exploring of the ship maybe something that makes you work to get your fire extinguisher.

  1. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)

I had some trouble at first but once I figured out how to put the fires out I didn't pay that much attention to it.

  1. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher?

it was a little hard to control and tell where the foam was coming out from

  1. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?

Short but sweet the puzzle took me some time like I said and for what it is I had fun. I think it could be a little longer for sure but honestly its a fun little quick experience.

  1. What did you like about the game?

The style of it. I liked the little pictures of the planet

  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?

The puzzle wasn't too difficult. I actually got it first try but I didn't know that I needed to click the launch so I restarted and put the wrong answer the second time around. Maybe create a more difficult version? Having a easy, medium, hard modes could be cool

  1. What types of puzzles would you like to see added? (More interaction/exploration?)

I would like more of the same one, I love word puzzles so I appreciate if you make more but of different variety. 

  1. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)

I honestly didn't really even notice the oxygen meter within the gameplay, I was just able to solve it and go. Maybe having the difficulty modes could change that up too so it is more noticeable

  1. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher?

The fire extinguisher served me well. I mostly stayed away from the fire and shoot from afar and it worked. I am not sure if you guys have a distance limit but it seemed like I could be really far away and still extinguish the fire

  1. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?

The pace of the game is good, it took me a while to get used to the controls so I was able to spend a little time just walking around and it lengthen the game for sure. 

  1. What did you like about the game?

I LOVE puzzles so this was actually the game I was looking forward to the most. 

  1. What did you dislike about the game?

I had a hard time with the controls, I 

  1. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay?
  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?
    1. Hello, I think I was terrible at this puzzle but I generally am not that good at puzzles. I actually had my little brother come and solve it for me so I think the puzzle was a good level.
  2. What types of puzzles would you like to see added? (More interaction/exploration?)
    1. I think more interaction would be cool, more things in the room to interact with.
  3. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)
    1. The oxygen meter worked very well. I believe it is balanced in its current state.
  4. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher?
    1. The fire/extinguisher felt awkward to me at times. When I was too close to the fire it wouldn't be put out and sometimes I would forget this and spend a good minute just trying to put the fire out. I think a cool idea would be to make the fire easier to be extinguished but make the fire spread so that the player has to actively extinguish the spreading fire.
  5. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?
    1. So far I think the pace is good. It gave me enough time to solve the puzzle, but I would imagine as the game goes on the levels should get harder and we become more vulnerable to dying.
  6. What did you like about the game?
    1. I liked the movement and the art so far. It feels very smooth and satisfying to play.
  7. What did you dislike about the game?
    1. For me, the puzzle was too hard. But again, I think i'm just bad at puzzles. Maybe add a hint system or easy mode for people like me lol.
  8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay?
    1. So far it feels like a well-made game with a good direction. I would expect in your next playtest more puzzles and levels to be developed and adding more interactions in the room would add interesting dynamics to the game.
  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?
    I liked them, although I'm really bad at puzzles. Many others seemed to have solved the puzzles faster so maybe I'm just different and slow. It'd be cool if there was an easy or hard mode where the O2 Level could be even slower so it gives me more time to solve the puzzle, and possibly the future puzzles too. 
  2. What types of puzzles would you like to see added? (More interaction/exploration?)
    I love the way you implemented the terminal, very well done. I would like to see some puzzles with interactions, maybe finding a hidden key to a hidden room that unlocks a hidden passage (possibilities are endless) 
  3. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)
    Like I mentioned, for me, I needed more time. 
  4. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher?
    I thought it was cool, you said you didn't have the fire/extinguisher to mess with, so having to go get it and then extinguishing the fire would be cool instead of always having it at your holster. 
  5. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?
    I'm slow with puzzles but everyone likes them and so do I. 
  6. What did you like about the game?
    I like the graphic designs, and the theme you have going. 
  7. What did you dislike about the game?
    Not much, I did notice the bugs though. I was able to see through walls if I floated to close to them. And sometimes walls would just spasm. I do wish the zero-gravity was a little smoother. 
  8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay?
    Fast Paced Music

1) Puzzle was great in the fact that it was hard at first.

2) I dont even know to many puzzles but I love the thought process to create the game.

3) I thought the H20 meter could be longer based on the fact that I am an idiot.

4) extinguisher was great, I thought it was not overpowered.

5) what I liked was the pace of the game was determined by if you could solve a equations which made it more difficult to complete!

6) This game was a hard but was fun and discover more!

Great job on the game guys! Really love the art direction and mechanics y'all have implemented!

1. The puzzle was good, but I feel like a few more of similar complexity with different mechanics would be a really good sweet spot. I did feel a little bit limited by the level layout, it felt like I subtly had no choice but to solve the puzzle a certain way so it felt a little less like I solved it on my own. I'm an avid puzzle game player though so please take into account that my bias here is probably intense!

2. I'd like to see puzzles where one item must be brought to another area, think the portal gun holding a cube. Maybe a small easter egg for a more obscure puzzle would be interesting with this.

3. The oxygen felt subtle. I didn't feel pressed for time because the tank was large enough to not be very scared of fire for a bit. I was forced to take care of the fire though so I'd say ititss balanced.

4. It felt a little off target, or if it was on target I didn't feel much feedback to know that it was. Otherwise its speed felt appropriate.

5. It definitely felt short. Multiple endings is a really cool concept that I think can work really well here though, it's just that currently the game plays entirely the same on each iteration. Maybe the area you put into the terminal opens a different, unique part of the level at the pod when you get there?

6. I love the art! I also like the current mechanics and would like to see them given more depth.

7. Putting in different codes into the terminal didn't feel very rewarding since it only changed the text at the end. I'd like to see more mechanics in a less linear fashion if we're meant to play through the same area.

8. This point is covered in my previous points. My only other thought is to make puzzles less clinical. For example, if the 4 posters were spread out randomly in the first 2 rooms, it would have a very different and more interactive feel. There's a lot of unused space in the rooms that are fertile for more character (rubble, stains, trash, etc...) 

1. The puzzle was good, though it's hard to judge when there's only one available right now.

2. I'd definitely like to see some puzzles that revolve around the lack of gravity, both for navigating around and for toying with floating objects.

3. The O2 meter feels balanced.

4. The fire extinguisher is painfully slow, especially since you can't do anything in a room until the fires are out.

5. The game is incredibly short. It needs more rooms and different ways to interact within each one, especially if you're still planning on the whole branching endings/routes thing.

6-8. The game is quite rigid right now, forcing you to do things in a precise order before it lets you progress. It's also got a fair number of bugs, such as doors taking your power but not opening, being able to rotate the camera upside down, parts of the door arches are z-fighting, and the escape button can be pressed over and over.

1. I thought the puzzle was nice and also just the type of puzzle that I would want for a game like this.

2. More text/texture-based puzzles and riddles would be nice. I also feel like the zero-gravity movement is fun so maybe a small maze or obstacle course could be cool 

3. I depleted the O2 meter the first time I played. I think that it would be really cool if this game had a really small O2 meter at first and as you played and failed you grew your tank for the next playthrough. 

4. The animation was pretty dang cool. Maybe adding an "overheating" mechanic would be nice (where if you use it for too many seconds consecutively it clogs up or something; this would force the user to use it in short bursts and not just spam it).

5. I'm hoping for the next playtest to have some more puzzles and also just some sections to navigate between puzzles. Again, I think the movement feels really interesting so maybe longer, debris-filled hallways would be nice. 

6. I just think the game is charming. I really hope you stick with the "endings as achievements" style where you are encouraged to try everything. I think a lot of personalities can be infused into those ending flavor texts. 

7. I think the battery mechanic doesn't add to the game at all. I would just have it where when a puzzle is solved, the path to the next opens. 

8. To summarize the things I'd like to see:

  • More text and texture-based puzzles
  • Zero-gravity navigation challenges (mazes, obstacles, things between puzzles)
  • Lots of ways to fail (multiple per puzzle, burning, no O2) with flavor text for each 
  • Tightening up the door mechanics 

Overall, really cool stuff y'all. Excited to see what you have for the next playtest. 

1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?

The puzzle was easy. Although besides the puzzle of where to launch the escape pod, there weren't any other puzzles right? 

2. What types of puzzles would you like to see added? (More interaction/exploration?)

I would like to see more interaction-based puzzles. Maybe there is a puzzle to getting a passcode needed to open the doors. 

3. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)

I thought it was fine. I didn't die from a lack of oxygen. 

4. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher?

It was good, it got the job done. 

5. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?

I think the game length was way too short. Although, the game pacing was good.

6. What did you like about the game?

I liked to puzzle to figure out where to launch the pod. I thought it was a cute little puzzle. 

7. What did you dislike about the game?

I didn't like the whole thing where you ran out of the battery to open the doors. I feel like your oxygen slowly, continuously depleting was enough of a time pressure. 

8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay?

I think there was a bug with the camera because at one point I got flipped upside down. Also, there might be a bug with the battery because I ran out without being able to open the door. I clicked on the door and it drained the battery, but the door was still closed.

There is also a comment that said they couldn't tell if they had solved the puzzle but I think it was pretty obvious when you failed or passed. Although maybe it would be cool to see a little animation of the spaceship flying into the sun or heading towards Earth, etc. Maybe make the ending a bit more visual and satisfying/fun. 

Overall, I think the game has a lot of great potential. Keep up the good work!

Unfortunately I don’t have good feedback on this one.  I couldn’t tell if I had solved the word puzzle since the escape pod would work with any code I typed.

I think you could do a lot with the various elements of the game (doors, word puzzle, fire).  I think I’d like to see more from the door limitation mechanic, possibly in either only getting to see a limited portion of the map, or having some puzzle which requires you to go between rooms, but you can only do so a limited number of times requiring you to work on efficiency each trip.

Really liked the oxygen meter, felt like a timer in a Mario game.  It didn’t make the game too shot to properly think on and wasn’t so slow it felt like there was no way it would go down.  Felt like just enough pressure to keep you focused on completing tasks.

The extinguisher feels fine but the fire feels extraneous.  Since putting out the fires is both required and straight forward it feels like busy work.  Making it feel like the fire is affecting your puzzle solving in some way, say by blackening the posters or  expanding and cutting of routes, it could add a sense of urgency in working to put them out.

Pacing wise I though the game was fine, it feels slow but that works for a puzzle game.  However I think the game could use a little more meat.  It has 2 puzzles in the fire and the posters and both are reasonably straightforward to solve.

I like the games style, between the art and the puzzles it has a very relaxed minimalist aesthetic.

I think the game could use a more tangible sense of progress.  The level feels really brief with only the single puzzle and since any of the codes will end the level, it feels very similar from run to run.  Something to establish something new is happening either when you finish a puzzle, explore an area, or accomplish an ending would do well to help give the game a sense of forward momentum.

As a quick point there were a handful of bugs I noticed.  You can flip you’re camera upside down if you rotate the camera up or down too much.  In addition it seems like any passcode will work on the escape pod.  Battery gets drained whether or not the doors opened.

I like this games energy and the general premise.  Despite the frantic premise of burning spaceship, the word puzzles are very casual and relaxing.  I’d like to see it expanded further, possibly into similar sort of idle games.  I’d recommend more feedback to the players regarding the puzzles, an indicator light, text prompt, or something to make sure they know when it’s completed.

Hi yall,

I really like the art style of your posters and your terminal its very nice. I did think that the puzzle was very simple. I was a bit dissappointed when all the alternatives endings we're the same as bad input "you collided with the sun". 

Through my playthough I found a number of strange little issues with you game. The fire extinguisher jets did go through the body of the space craft( only noticable through the windows). Additionally the big thing that got me was that you guys didn't clamp() the upward rotation of the camera. I know you guys we're going for a zero gravity effect and it feels pretty nice, but the inverted controls after doing a flip takes away from the mood. Additionally, while inverted if you go against a wall you can look through the roof and the floor. I also noticed that there were a lot of portions of the map that were constantly z-fighting, the floor was particularly weird with the lighting.

I would really like to see a UI that lets you replay the game, instead of instantly quiting even if its a plain button.

I'm super excited to see your next playtest, I would really love to see the different ending and puzzles. I want play finish them all. Good Luck!